Raptor Land Base Long Cast Blank

Raptor Land Base Long Cast Blank

Price: AU$ 220.00
These 4 new models cover the entire range of what anglers want for land base casting rods and presentations. Developed in conjunction with some of the finest anglers the new Raptor Land Base long Cast blanks feature state of the art design techniques. They are 2 piece blanks where the ferrule is down close to the butt end so it does not affect the blank action, and the ferrule is a tip into butt design to keep the diameter small. We blend Mitsubishi Ryon fibre , then we wrap the entire blank tip to butt with a proprietary carbon filament wrap in the hoop direction for added strength without adding weight. The wall thickness on these new blanks is off the charts and adds a ton of strength and lifting power. These can fight the largest Tuna out there and come back for more. There are 4 models to choose from. Setting a new standard for performance in the land base long cast market, these blanks will impress
  Product ID RTWLBBS
These 4 new models cover the entire range of what anglers want for land base casting rods and presentations. Developed in conjunction with some of the finest anglers the new Raptor Land Base long Cast blanks feature state of the art design techniques. They are 2 piece blanks where the ferrule is down close to the butt end so it does not affect the blank action, and the ferrule is a tip into butt design to keep the diameter small. We blend Mitsubishi Ryon fibre , then we wrap the entire blank tip to butt with a proprietary carbon filament wrap in the hoop direction for added strength without adding weight. The wall thickness on these new blanks is off the charts and adds a ton of strength and lifting power. These can fight the largest Tuna out there and come back for more. There are 4 models to choose from. Setting a new standard for performance in the land base long cast market, these blanks will impress